[Use Default Program]=[Folose║te program implicit]
[Use Default Sound]=[Folose║te sunet implicit]
1 message deleted.=1 mesaj ║ters
About ...=Informa■ii despre...
Account Info changed.~Do you want to save it?=Informa■ii despre contul modificat.~Vrei sπ salvezi modificπrile?
Add Account=Adaugπ cont
Add Rule to Delete all mail from Sender=Creazπ regulπ pentru ║tergerea mesajelor de la expeditor
Add Rule to mark messages from Sender as Spam=Adaugπ reguli pentru marcarea mesajelor de la Expeditor ca Spam
Add Rule=Adaugπ regulπ
Add sender to Black List=Adaugπ Expeditor pe Lista Neagrπ
Add sender to White List=Adaugπ Expeditor pe Lista Albπ
Added to the White List:=Adπugat pe Lista Albπ:
Advanced Options=Op■iuni Avansate
Advanced Show Info=Aratπ informa■ii avansate
All Accounts=Toate conturile
All Files=Toate fi║ierele
Already Connected=Deja conectat
Animate the Tray Icon when you receive new mail.~This will produce a flashing indicator instead of the normal static one.=Icoana de la Tray animatπ cΓnd prime║ti mesaj nou.~╬n locul icoanei statice se va vedea o icoanπ clipitoare.
Animated Star=Stea animatπ
Animated Tray Icon=Icoana din tray animatπ
Any mail received from the following e-mail addresses~will automatically be deleted.=Orice mail primit de la urmatoarele adrese de mail~vor fi eliminate automat.
Are you sure?=E║ti sigur?
Ask for confirmation before deleting any e-mails.~This only works for the Delete button. Deleting messages~using rules will not ask for confirmation.=Cere aprobare εnainte de a ║terge mesajele.~Merge doar pentru tasta ¬terge. ¬tergind mesajele prin intermediul regulilor adπugate nu va fi cerutπ aprobarea.
AutoCheck disabled=Control automat dezactivat
AutoCheck Enabled=Control automat activat
AutoCheck only while Minimized=Control automat doar minimizat
Because of the Security Risk, PopTray doesn't allow the opening of Executable files.=Din motive de securitate, PopTray nu permite deschiderea fi║ierului executabil.
Black List mark as Spam=Lista Neagrπ marcheazπ mesajele ca Spam
Black List will mark the messages as Spam~instead of deleting them.=Lista Neagrπ va marca mesajele ca Spam~εn loc sπ le elimine.
Black List=Lista Neagrπ
Body=Datele mesajului
Cannot delete last Account=Nu este posibilπ ║tergerea ultimului cont
Caption Options=Op■iuni de aducere
Check All=Controleazπ toate
Check and Info=Controleazπ ║i aratπ informa■iile
Check and Show=Controleazπ ║i aratπ
Check current account for New Mail=Controleazπ acest cont pentru mesaje noi
Check First Account=Controleazπ primul cont
Check for Mail=Controleazπ noi mesaje
Check for new mail every =Controleazπ dacπ sunt mesaje la fiecare
Check for New Mail on Startup=Controleazπ mesajele noi la pornire
Check if On-Line=Controleazπ dacπ e║ti conectat
Check on-line if newer version available.=Controleazπ dacπ este o versiune nouπ de program.
Connect Error:=Eroare de conectare:
Connection Info=Informa■ii conexiune
Connection TimeOut:=Timp scπzut pentru conectare
Contact Info=Informa■ii contact
Default e-mail program to open.=Client e-mail implicit de deschis.
Default sound to play when new mail arrives.=Sunet implicit la sosirea de noi mesaje
Default sound:=Sunet implicit:
Del Spam=¬terge Spam
Delay in minutes to wait between mail check intervals.~Set it to 0 to never automatically check.=Interval de timp pentru controlul mesajelor~Setare 0 pentru a nu fi controlate automat.
Delay on a SingleClick to wait and see if a DoubleClick is coming.=Pe Click a║teaptπ dublul Click
Delete Account:=¬terge cont:
Delete Account=¬terge cont
Delete Button only available when using Safe Delete option=Butonul Eliminπ e activ doar εn modalitate Eliminare Sigurπ
Delete current message=¬terge mesaul curent
Delete Error:=Eroare la ║tergere:
Delete from server=¬terge de pe server
Delete Message from Server?=¬tergi mesajul de pe server?
Delete Messages from Server?=¬tergi mesajele de pe server?
Delete messages marked as Spam=¬terge mesajele marcate ca Spam
Delete Rule:=Regulπ de ║tergere:
Delete Rule=Regulπ de ║tergere
Delete Spam from Server?=¬tergi Spam-ul de pe server?
Delete Spam=¬terge Spam
Delete this message from server=¬tergi acest mesaj de pe server?
Deletion Confirmation=Confirmare pentru ║tergere
Disable AutoChecking between the hours specified.~This is useful when you do not want noisy notifications~during the night.=Dezabilitare cπutare automatπ εntre orele specificate.~Aceasta este foarte util pentru a preveni sunetul de notificare.
Display the tabs for the different accounts in~multiple lines instead of one scrolling line.=Visualizeazπ ferestrele diferitor conturi~pe mai multe linii decΓt una singurπ.
Do not run the AutoCheck timer event while viewing the PopTray Window.~This is useful to prevent an AutoCheck from happening~while you are manually checking for mail.=Nu folosi timerul pentru Control Automatic pe timpul vizualizπrii ferestrei de la PopTray.~Acesta este util pentru prevenirea controlului automatic~εntre timp ce se executa controlul manual al mesajelor.
Don't Check between=Nu cπuta εntre
Double Click delay on Click=Pe Click a║teaptπ dublul Click
Double Click:=Dublu Click:
Drag to Create Separators=Trage pentru a crea separator
E-Mail Program:=Program E-Mail
Enable Quick Checking=Activeazπ cπutare rapidπ
EXE files=Fi║iere EXE
Execute File=Executπ fi║ier
Failed to Save Attachment.=Eroare la salvarea atadamentului.
First check if you are on-line before checking for e-mail.~Used by dial-up users who don't want the dial-up dialog ~to pop-up when you are not connected.~Makes checking a little bit slower.=Verificπ dacπ e║ti conectat εnainte de a cauta mesaje noi.~A se folosi de cπtre utilizatorii cu dial-up care nu vor sπ deschidπ fereastra de dial-up dacπ nu sunt online.~Cπutarea noilor mesaje va fi mai lentπ.
First Wait=╬nainte a║teaptπ
French (Canada)=Francezπ (Canada)
From (address)=De la (adresa)
From (name)=De la (nume)
From=De la
General Options=Op■iuni generale
Hide Viewed Messages=Ascunde mesajele vπzute
Homepage:=Pagina autor:
Ignore (don't notify)=Ignorπ (nu anun■a)
Ignore Connection Errors=Ignorπ erorile de conexiune
Ignore errors that occurs while retrieving the header info.=Ignorπ erorile care apar pe timpul deschiderii la intestare.
Ignore Retrieve Errors=Ignorπ erorile din timpul deschiderii
Immediately check for mail when PopTray starts.=Controleazπ mesajele la pornirea PopTray.
Import Rules=Importπ Reguli
Important (Balloon Pop-Up)=Important (Pop-up Balon)
Incompatible Plugin:=Plugin incopatibil:
Indicate Viewed and Unviewed Messages=Indicπ mesajele vπzute ║i cele nevπzute
Info Balloon on Notification=Folose║te Baloane ca notificare
INI Files=Fi║iere INI
Large icons=Icoane mari
Left Click:=Click stΓnga:
Lightning Bolt=Avertizare luminoasπ
Limit download to the first=Limiteazπ descπrcarea la prima
Log Rule=Log Regulπ
Log Rules=Log Reguli
Login OK=Logare OK
Mail Info=Informa■ii mail
MAPI instead of mailto:=Folose║te MAPI εn locul lui mailto:
Mark as Spam=Marcheazπ ca Spam
Mark as Viewed=Marcheazπ ca vπzut
Mark the selected messages as Spam.=Marcheazπ mesajele selectate ca Spam
Maximum number of lines to download.=Maximul de linii de descπrcat
Message Count:=Mesaj verificat
Message identifiers don't match.~The Safe Delete option prevented deletion of this message.=Identificarea mesajului nu este corespunzπtoare~Op■iunea Eliminare Sigurπ a prevenit ║tergerea din gre║ealπ a acestui mesaj.
Message Status=Stare mesaj
message(s) deleted.=mesaj(e) ║terse.
Middle Click:=Click central:
Minimize PopTray to the System Tray instead of the Taskbar.=Mic║oreazπ PopTray εn Tray, εn locul de pe Taskbar
Minimize to Tray=Mic║oreazπ εn Tray
Mouse Action:=Ac■iunile Mouse-ului:
Mouse Buttons=Tastele Mouse-ului
Multi-line Account Tabs=Tabs-uri Conturi pe mai multe linii
New Mail=Mail nou
New message using default mail client=Nou mesaj folosind programul de mail predefinit
New Message=Mesaj Nou
New Messages Only=Doar Mesajele Noi
No E-Mail Client specified=Nici un program de mail specificat
No message selected.=Nici un mesaj selectat
No new mail=Nici un mail nou
No protocol defined for account=Nici un protocol definit pentru cont
No rule selected=Nici o regulπ selectatπ
No Sort=Nu sorta
NoName=Fπrπ nume
NOT Contains=NU con■ine
Not On-Line=Nu este On-Line
NOT Supported=Nesuportat
Number of message lines to preview.=Numπr de linii pentru arπtarea anteprimei.
Number of messages marked as Spam:=Numπrul mesajelor marcate ca Spam:
Number of seconds to display the Info window~before closing it.=Numπr de secunde pentru arπtarea ferestrei Informa■ii~εnainte de εnchidere.
Number of seconds to wait during connection~before giving an error.=Numπr de secunde de a║teptare pe timpul conexiunii~εnainte de a raporta eroarea.
Number of selected messages:=Numπrul mesajelor selectate:
OK=╬n regulπ
Once a message has been viewed, don't show it again.=O datπ vπzut mesajul, acesta nu va mai fi vizualizat.
Only download if size less than=Descarcπ doar dacπ mπrimea este mai micπ de
Options ...=Op■iuni...
Password Protect=Protejat de parolπ
Play different wav=Ruleaza un *.wav diferit
Please enter the password to open Poptray=Introdu parola pentru a porni PopTray
Plug-in Error:=Eroare Plug-In:
Plug-in Options...=Op■iuni Plug-In...
PopTray will startup in minimized state.~Thus the window will be hidden and only the trayicon~will be visible.=PopTray va porni mic║orat.~Adicπ fereastra va fi ascunsπ ║i se va vedea doar icoana εn Tray.
Pop-Up Menu=Pop-Up Meniu
Portuguese (Brazil)=Portughezπ (Brazilia)
Preview the Message=Aratπ anteprima mesajului
Preview Top Lines=Linii de Anteprimπ
Protect against auto-delete=Protejat εmpotriva auto-║tergerii
Refresh the list of languages=╬mprospπteazπ lista fi║ierelor cu traduceri
Remember Viewed Messages=Aminte║te Mesajele deja Vπzute
Remember which messages on the server has already been viewed~even after closing PopTray.=Aminte║te acele mesaje care au fost vπzute dupa εnchiderea lui PopTray.
Reply using default mail client=Rπspunde folosind programul de e-Mail predefinit
Requires that you enter the specified password to open PopTray.=Este necesar introducerea parolei pentru a deschide PopTray.
Reset Mail Count in Tray when Viewing=¬terge numπrul de mail cΓnd au fost vπzute
Reset the Tray Icon message count when you view the PopTray~window. When new mail arrives only the new count since last ~view will be shown.=¬terge counterul de la icoana de la Tray~cΓnd se va deschide fereastra principalπ de la PopTray.~CΓnd vin noi mesaje counterul va porni de la zero.
Reset Tray Icon when Viewing=Anuleazπ icoana de la Tray cΓnd mesajul a fost vπzut
Retrieve Body while Checking=Ia datele mesajului pe timpul controlπrii
Retrieve complete message while checking,~if message smaller than specified size.=Descarcπ mesalul complet pe timpul controlπrii,~dacπ mesajul este mai mic decΓt mπrimea specificatπ.
Retrieve Error:=Eroare de primire:
Right Click:=Click Dreapta
Romanian=Limba RomΓnπ
Rotate Icon for each Account=Rote║te icoane pentru fiecare cont
Rotate Icon to show messages in each account=Rotarea icoanelor pentru a arπta mesajele fiecπrui cont
Specify a different timer interval for each account.~Set the intervals on the Accounts tab.=Specificπ un interval diferit de timp pentru fiecare cont.~Imposteazπ intervalele de timp εn ferestre diferite ale fiecπrui Cont de mail.
Start Minimized=Start minimizat
Stay on Top=RπmΓnere deasupra
Still busy checking=╬ncπ ocupat cu controlul
Still busy deleting other messages.=╬ncπ ocupat pe timpul ║tergerii mesajelor.
Stop and disconnect.=Opre║te ║i deconecteazπ.
Support Forum:=Forum PopTray:
Suspend Sound=Sunet oprit
System-wide hot-key to execute selected action.=Combina■ie de taste pentru a efectua ac■iunea doritπ.
Test Account=Testare cont
Test the sound file=Testare fi║ier sunet
Test to run the e-mail program=Testeazπ ║i deschide programul de mail
Thanks to the following volunteers who helped with the translation:=Mul■umiri celor care au tradus voluntar acest program εn diferite limbi:
The X close button in the top right-hand corner will minimize~PopTray instead of closing it.~To close use the "Quit" button.=Butonul X din col■ul dreapta-sus va mic║ora~PopTray εn loc sπ-l εnchidπ.~Pentru a ie║i din program, folose║te tasta "Esc".
This lists all the plugin DLLs found in your plugins directory.~Select to load/unload. Right-click for options.=Lista DLL-urilor plug-in-urilor gπsite in Directorul plugins~Selec■ioneazπ pentru activare. Fπ click cu tasta dreaptπ pentru op■iuni.
This will add the following e-mails to the Black List:=Aceasta va adπuga aceste adrese de mail la Lista Neagrπ
This will create a rule to delete all future e-mails from=Se va crea o regulπ care va ║terge toate e-mail-urile viitoare care vin de la
This will create a rule to spam mark all future e-mails from=Aceasta va crea o regulπ care va marca mesajele de la acest expeditor ca spam
This will delete all these messages.=Vor fi ║terse toate mesajele selectate.
This will delete all these selected messages.=Aceasta va ║terge toate aceste mesaje.
Timer Interval per Account=Interval singular pentru cont
To add actions to your application simply drag and drop from either Categories or Actions onto an existing ActionBar.=Pentru adπugarea de butoane la aplica■ie, trage pur ║i simplu din Categorie sau Ac■iuni εn bara instrumentelor.
TrayIcon while Checking=Icoanπ pe timpul controlului
Try to mix the colors when e-mail arrives in multiple accounts.~Windows only allows 16 colors in the tray, so mixing will not~always give the correct color.=╬ncearcπ sπ schimbi culorile cΓnd vin mesaje εn mai multe conturi.~Windows folose║te doar 16 culori ║i Tray, deci, de aceea culorile~nu vor fi mereu corecte.
Unable to Copy file.=Imposibil a copia fi║ierul.
Unable to Retrieve Message=Imposibilπ aducerea mesajului
Undo=Anuleazπ ultima ac■iune
Unknown Attachment Type.=Tip de ata║ament necunoscut.
Unmark as Spam=Demarcheazπ ca fiind Spam
Unviewed messages will be shown in Bold.=Mesajele nevπzute vor fi afi║ate cu caracter εngro║at.
Use MAPI=Foloseste MAPI
Use the POP3 UIDL command to check that message is still the same~before deleting it.=Folose║te comanda POP3 UIDL pentru a verifica cπ~mesajul care este de ║ters este acela║i.
Use the POP3 UIDL command to quickly check if the mail on the server has changed.=Folose║te comanda POP3 UIDL pentru a verifica rapid dacπ mesalul de pe server a fost ║ters.
Use the Simple MAPI interface of you e-mail client,~instead of using a "mailto:" link for replies and new messages.=Folose║te interfa■a Simplπ MAPI al clientului de po║ta electronicπ~εn loc de a folosi "mailto:" pentru a rπspunde noilor mesaje.
User Aborted.=Anulat de utilizator.
User Interface=Interfa■π utilizator
WARNING: This account does NOT support Safe Delete.=ATEN▐IE: Acest cont NU suportπ Eliminare εn Siguran■π.
WAV files=Fi║iere WAV
What to show on the TrayIcon~while checking for new mail.=Care icoanπ va fi folositπ εn Tray lΓngπ ceas~pe timpul controlului de noi mesaje.
When a connect error occurs, PopTray will display an error message.~If this option is enabled, the error message will only be displayed in the status bar and Tray Hint.=╬n caz de eroare de conexiune, PopTray va arπta un mesaj de eroare.~Dacπ aceastπ op■iune este activπ, mesajul de eroare va fi arπtat εn bara ║i pe Tray.
When previewing a message with MIME parts~PopTray will decode the MIME message, show the ~first part in the preview and the rest as attachments.~When unselected, preview will show the RAW message.=╬n cazul anteprimei unui mesaj cu pπr■i MIME~PopTray va decodifica mesajul εn format MIME, arπtΓnd~prima parte εn previzualizare ║i restul ca ata║ament.~CΓnd nu este selectatπ, anteprima va fi aratatπ εn format RAW.
When previewing a message, only load the~specified number of lines.=Pe timpul anteprimei mesajelor, vor fi~descπrcate ║i arπtate doar numπrul specificat de linii.
When starting PopTray, first wait a few seconds~before checking for mail.=La deschiderea lui PopTray, a║teaptπ cΓteva secunde~εnainte de a controla mesajele noi.
When you receive mail from the following list of e-mail addresses,~the messages won't be deleted by rules.=CΓnd prime║ti mesaje de la urmπtoarele adrese de mail,~acestea nu vor fi ║terse de regulile puse.
While checking for new mail, also retrieve the message body.~This will slow down checking, but if gives you the option to check~the body contents in the rules.=Pe timpul controlπrii de noi mailuri, ia de asemenea ║i datele mesajului.
White / Black List=Lista ALB├ / NEAGR├
White List=Lista Albπ
Write all rules actions to a log file.~Filename: RULES.LOG in the same directory as PopTray.=Folose║te un fi║ier de Log pentru toate activitπ■ile de la reguli.